
Dialogs are modal full-screen popups that prevent other GUI interactions with the application until dismissed.

Dialogs wrap arbitrary markup.

Dialogs are declared at the top level inside the <em>content</em> div.

UbuntuUI.Dialog( )

 <div data-role="content">
<div data-role="pagestack">
<div data-role="dialog" id="dialogID">
JavaScript access:
var dialog = UI.dialog("dialogID");
  • Methods
DOMElement element( )

Returns the DOM element associated with the id this widget is bind to.

Returns: <DOMElement>
   var mydialog = UI.dialog("dialogid").element();
hide( )

Hide a dialog by removing 'active' class

show( )

Display a dialog by adding 'active' CSS class

toggle( )

Toggle a dialog, which means removing its 'active' class if it has one, or adding the 'active' class if it does not have one