As mentioned, with Layouts we can achieve to have a single code base supporting different form factors. The following example illustrates how to support different layouts with the same code base.
Default layout
src="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/c643406e-1.png" alt="" />
Button { id: redButton text: "Item #1" color: "red" Layouts.item: "red" anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } width: units.gu(15) } Button { id: greenButton text: "Item #2" color: "green" Layouts.item: "green" anchors { top: parent.top left: redButton.right right: parent.right } height: units.gu(10) } Button { id: nolayout text: "Non-laid out" color: "brown" anchors { top: greenButton.bottom left: redButton.right right: parent.right bottom: blueButton.top } } Button { id: blueButton text: "Item #3" color: "blue" Layouts.item: "blue" anchors{ left: redButton.right right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } height: units.gu(10) }
Conditional layouts
Column layout
src="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/e6b8eb2e-layout2.png" alt="" />
ConditionalLayout { name: "column" when: layouts.width > units.gu(50) && layouts.width <= units.gu(70) Column { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "red" height: parent.height / 3 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } } ItemLayout { item: "green" height: parent.height / 3 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } } ItemLayout { item: "blue" height: parent.height / 3 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } } } },
Row layout
src="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/84af2b6e-layout3.png" alt="" />
ConditionalLayout { name: "row" when: layouts.width > units.gu(70) && layouts.width <= units.gu(90) Row { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "blue" width: parent.width / 3 anchors { top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } } ItemLayout { item: "red" width: parent.width / 3 anchors { top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } } ItemLayout { item: "green" width: parent.width / 3 anchors { top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } } } },
Layout hiding element
src="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/359958e5-simple-layout4.png" alt="" />
ConditionalLayout { name: "hiding-element" when: layouts.width > units.gu(90) && layouts.width < units.gu(100) Row { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "red" width: parent.width / 2 height: units.gu(20) } ItemLayout { item: "green" width: parent.width / 2 height: units.gu(20) } } },
Layout showing more
src="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/bbc69aad-simple-layout5.png" alt="" />
ConditionalLayout { name: "showing-more" when: layouts.width >= units.gu(100) Flow { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "red" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } ItemLayout { item: "green" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } ItemLayout { item: "blue" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } Button { text: "Flow item" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } } }
The entire code
Layouts { id: layouts anchors.fill: parent layouts: [ ConditionalLayout { name: "column" when: layouts.width > units.gu(50) && layouts.width <= units.gu(70) Column { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "red" height: parent.height / 3 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } } ItemLayout { item: "green" height: parent.height / 3 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } } ItemLayout { item: "blue" height: parent.height / 3 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } } } }, ConditionalLayout { name: "row" when: layouts.width > units.gu(70) && layouts.width <= units.gu(90) Row { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "blue" width: parent.width / 3 anchors { top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } } ItemLayout { item: "red" width: parent.width / 3 anchors { top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } } ItemLayout { item: "green" width: parent.width / 3 anchors { top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } } } }, ConditionalLayout { name: "hiding-element" when: layouts.width > units.gu(90) && layouts.width < units.gu(100) Row { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "red" width: parent.width / 2 height: units.gu(20) } ItemLayout { item: "green" width: parent.width / 2 height: units.gu(20) } } }, ConditionalLayout { name: "showing-more" when: layouts.width >= units.gu(100) Flow { anchors.fill: parent ItemLayout { item: "red" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } ItemLayout { item: "green" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } ItemLayout { item: "blue" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } Button { text: "Flow item" width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(20) } } } ] Button { id: redButton text: "Item #1" color: "red" Layouts.item: "red" anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom } width: units.gu(15) } Button { id: greenButton text: "Item #2" color: "green" Layouts.item: "green" anchors { top: parent.top left: redButton.right right: parent.right } height: units.gu(10) } Button { id: nolayout text: "Non-laid out" color: "brown" anchors { top: greenButton.bottom left: redButton.right right: parent.right bottom: blueButton.top } } Button { id: blueButton text: "Item #3" color: "blue" Layouts.item: "blue" anchors{ left: redButton.right right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } height: units.gu(10) } }
That's it
You're ready to go. You can find the layouting components under Layouting. For further questions please visit #ubuntu-app-devel irc channel on freenode.