- Accelerometer
- The Accelerometer element reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes.
- AccelerometerReading
- The AccelerometerReading element holds the most recent Accelerometer reading.
- Altimeter
- The Altimeter element reports on altitude.
- AltimeterReading
- The AltimeterReading element holds the most recent Altimeter reading.
- AmbientLightReading
- The AmbientLightReading element holds the most AmbientLightSensor reading.
- AmbientLightSensor
- The AmbientLightSensor element repors on ambient lighting conditions.
- AmbientTemperatureReading
- The AmbientTemperatureReading element holds the most recent temperature reading.
- AmbientTemperatureSensor
- The AmbientTemperatureSensor element reports on the ambient temperature.
- Compass
- The Compass element reports on heading using magnetic north as a reference.
- CompassReading
- The CompassReading element holds the most recent Compass reading.
- DistanceReading
- The DistanceReading element holds the most recent DistanceSensor reading.
- DistanceSensor
- The DistanceSensor element reports the distance in cm from an object to the device.
- Gyroscope
- The Gyroscope element reports on rotational acceleration around the X, Y and Z axes.
- GyroscopeReading
- The GyroscopeReading element holds the most recent Gyroscope reading.
- HolsterReading
- The HolsterReading element holds the most recent HolsterSensor reading.
- HolsterSensor
- The HolsterSensor element reports on whether a device is holstered.
- IRProximityReading
- The IRProximityReading element holds the most recent IR proximity reading.
- IRProximitySensor
- The IRProximitySensor element reports on infra-red reflectance values.
- LightReading
- The LightReading element holds the most recent LightSensor reading.
- LightSensor
- The LightSensor element reports on light levels using LUX.
- Magnetometer
- The Magnetometer element reports on magnetic field strength along the Z, Y and Z axes.
- MagnetometerReading
- The MagnetometerReading element holds the most recent Magnetometer reading.
- OrientationReading
- The OrientationReading element holds the most recent OrientationSensor reading.
- OrientationSensor
- The OrientationSensor element reports device orientation.
- PressureReading
- The PressureReading element holds the most recent PressureSensor reading.
- PressureSensor
- The PressureSensor element reports on atmospheric pressure values.
- ProximityReading
- The ProximityReading element holds the most recent ProximitySensor reading.
- ProximitySensor
- The ProximitySensor element reports on object proximity.
- RotationReading
- The RotationReading element holds the most recent RotationSensor reading.
- RotationSensor
- The RotationSensor element reports on device rotation around the X, Y and Z axes.
- Sensor
- The Sensor element serves as a base type for sensors.
- SensorGesture
- Provides notifications when sensor-based gestures are detected.
- SensorGlobal
- The SensorGlobal element provides the module API.
- SensorReading
- The SensorReading element serves as a base type for sensor readings.
- TapReading
- The TapReading element holds the most recent TapSensor reading.
- TapSensor
- The TapSensor element reports tap and double tap events along the X, Y and Z axes.
- TiltReading
- The TiltReading element holds the most recent TiltSensor reading.
- TiltSensor
- The TiltSensor element reports tilt events along the X and Y axes.