
The UbuntuTestCase class expands the default TestCase class. More...

Import Statement: import Ubuntu.Test .




Detailed Description

This component is under heavy development.

This class extends the default QML TestCase class which is available in http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qttest-qmlmodule.html">QtTest 1.0.

Property Documentation

testUtil : alias

This property holds the inner TestUtil instance.

Method Documentation

centerOf( item)

Returns the center point of the item.

findChild( obj, objectName)

Find a child from the item based on the objectName.

findChildWithProperty( item, property, value)

Finds a visible child of an item having a given property with a given value.

findInvisibleChild( obj, objectName)

Find a non-visual child such as QtObject based on objectName.

flick( item, x, y, dx, dy, pressTimeout, steps, button, modifiers, delay)

The function produces a flick event when executed on Flickables. When used on other components it provides the same functionality as mouseDrag() function. The optional pressTimeout parameter can be used to introduce a small delay between the mouse press and the first mouse move. Setting a negative or zero value will disable the timeout.

The default flick velocity is built up using 5 move points. This can be altered by setting a positive value to steps parameter. The bigger the number the longer the flick will be. When a negative or zero value is given, the default of 5 move points will be used.

Note: The function can be used to select a text in a TextField or TextArea by specifying at least 400 millisecods to pressTimeout.

mouseLongPress( item, x, y, button, modifiers, delay)

Simulates a long press on a mouse button with an optional modifier on an item. The position is defined by x and y. If delay is specified, the test will wait the specified amount of milliseconds before the press.

The position given by x and y is transformed from the co-ordinate system of item into window co-ordinates and then delivered. If item is obscured by another item, or a child of item occupies that position, then the event will be delivered to the other item instead.

mouseMoveSlowly( item, x, y, dx, dy, steps, stepdelay, buttons)

Move Mouse from x,y to distance of dx, dy divided to steps with a stepdelay (ms) and buttons.

tryCompareFunction( func, expectedResult, timeout)

Keeps executing a given parameter-less function until it returns the given expected result or the timemout is reached (in which case a test failure is generated)

typeString( string)

Convenience function to allow typing a full string instead of single characters

waitForHeaderAnimation( mainView)

Wait for animations of the header and the style inside the header to finish. The MainView that has the header that may animate must be passed as an argument.

warningFormat( line, column, message)

Warning message formatter, uses file name, line and column numbers to build up the message.