An ActionItem that represents a button in the toolbar. ToolbarButtons should be included in ToolbarItems to define the tools of a Page. The behavior and look of the toolbar button can be specified by setting an Action for the button, or by setting the other properties inherited by the ActionItem. More...
Import Statement: | import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 |
Inherits: |
Detailed Description
Example of different ways to define the toolbar button:
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 MainView { width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(80) Action { id: action1 text: "action 1" iconName: "compose" onTriggered: print("one!") } Page { title: "test page" Label { anchors.centerIn: parent text: "Hello, world" } tools: ToolbarItems { // reference to an action: ToolbarButton { action: action1 } // define the action: ToolbarButton { action: Action { text: "Second action" iconName: "add" onTriggered: print("two!") } // override the text of the action: text: "action 2" } // no associated action: ToolbarButton { iconName: "cancel" text: "button" onTriggered: print("three!") } } } }
See ToolbarButton.