
Provides global object with different enums. More...

Import Statement: import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
Since: Ubuntu.Components 1.2



  • uint16 version(int major, int minor)

Detailed Description


CaptionStyle enum

The enumeration configures the Captions component style.

TitleCaptionStyleThe Captions labels are configured to represent caption behavior.
SummaryCaptionStyleThe Captions labels are configured to represent a summary-like description.

Property Documentation

[read-only] toolkitVersion : uint16

The property holds the version of the current toolkit imported.

This QML property was introduced in Ubuntu.Components 1.3.

[read-only] toolkitVersionMajor : uint16

The property holds the major version of the current toolkit imported.

This QML property was introduced in Ubuntu.Components 1.3.

[read-only] toolkitVersionMinor : uint16

The property holds the minor version of the current toolkit imported.

This QML property was introduced in Ubuntu.Components 1.3.

Method Documentation

uint16 version(int major, int minor)

The function builds a version identifier using a major and minor components.

This QML method was introduced in Ubuntu.Components 1.3.