The ListItem element provides Ubuntu design standards for list or grid views. The ListItem component was designed to be used in a list view. It does not define any specific layout, but while its contents can be freely chosen by the developer, care must be taken to keep the contents light in order to ensure good performance when used in long list views. More...
Import Statement: | import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 |
Since: | Ubuntu.Components 1.2 |
- action : Action
- color : color
- contentItem : Item
- contentMoving : bool
- divider
- divider.colorFrom : real
- divider.colorTo : real
- dragMode : bool
- dragging : bool
- expansion
- expansion.expanded : bool
- expansion.height : real
- highlightColor : color
- highlighted : bool
- leadingActions : ListItemActions
- selectMode : bool
- selected : bool
- swipeEnabled : bool
- swiped : bool
- trailingActions : ListItemActions
Detailed Description
The component provides two color properties which configures the item's background when normal or highlighted. This can be configured through color and highlightColor properties. The list item is highlighted if there is an action attached to it. This means that the list item must have an active component declared as child, at least leading- or trailing actions specified, or to have a slot connected to clicked or pressAndHold signal. In any other case the component will not be highlighted, and highlighted property will not be toggled either. Also, there will be no highlight happening if the click happens on the active component.
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2 MainView { width: units.gu(40) height: units.gu(71) Column { anchors.fill: parent ListItem { Button { text: "Press me" } onClicked: console.log("clicked on ListItem") } ListItem { leadingActions: ListItemActions { actions: [ Action { iconName: "delete" } ] } onClicked: console.log("clicked on ListItem with leadingActions set") } ListItem { trailingActions: ListItemActions { actions: [ Action { iconName: "edit" } ] } onClicked: console.log("clicked on ListItem with trailingActions set") } ListItem { Label { text: "onClicked implemented" } onClicked: console.log("clicked on ListItem with onClicked implemented") } ListItem { Label { text: "onPressAndHold implemented" } onPressAndHold: console.log("long-pressed on ListItem with onPressAndHold implemented") } ListItem { Label { text: "No highlight" } } } }
contentItem holds all components and resources declared as child to ListItem. Being an Item, all properties can be accessed or altered. However, make sure you never change x, y, width, height or anchors properties as those are controlled by the ListItem itself when leading or trailing actions are revealed or when selectable and draggable mode is turned on, and thus might cause the component to misbehave. Anchors margins are free to alter.
Each ListItem has a thin divider shown on the bottom of the component. This divider can be configured through the divider grouped property, which can configure its margins from the edges of the ListItem as well as its visibility. When used in ListView or UbuntuListView, the last list item will not show the divider no matter of the visible property value set.
ListItem can handle actions that can get swiped from front or back of the item. These actions are Action elements visualized in panels attached to the front or to the back of the item, and are revealed by swiping the item horizontally. The swipe is started only after the mouse/touch move had passed a given threshold. The actions are visualized by a panel, which is configurable through the ListItemStyle.
The actions are configured through the leadingActions as well as trailingActions properties.
ListItem { id: listItem leadingActions: ListItemActions { actions: [ Action { iconName: "delete" onTriggered: listItem.destroy() } ] } trailingActions: ListItemActions { actions: [ Action { iconName: "search" onTriggered: { // do some search } } ] } }
Note: When a list item is swiped, it automatically connects both leading and trailing actions to the list item. If needed, the same ListItemActions instance can be used in both leading and trailing side. In the following example the list item can be deleted through both leading and trailing actions using the same container:
ListItem { id: listItem leadingActions: ListItemActions { actions: [ Action { iconName: "delete" onTriggered: listItem.destroy() } ] } trailingActions: leadingActions }
The action is triggered only after all the animations are completed.
ListItem provides a set of attached properties which are attached to each panel of the ListItem. However not all properties are valid in all the circumstances.
The component is styled using the ListItemStyle style interface.
Selection mode
The selection mode of a ListItem is controlled by the ViewItems::selectMode attached property. This property is attached to each parent item of the ListItem exception being when used as delegate in ListView, where the property is attached to the view itself.
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2 Flickable { width: units.gu(40) height: units.gu(50) // this will not have any effect ViewItems.selectMode: true Column { // this will work ViewItems.selectMode: false width: parent.width Repeater { model: 25 ListItem { Label { text: "ListItem in Flickable #" + index } } } } }
The indices selected are stored in ViewItems::selectedIndices attached property, attached the same way as the ViewItems::selectMode property is. This is a read/write property, meaning that initial selected item indices can be set up. The list contains the indices added in the order of selection, not sorted in any form.
Note: When in selectable mode, the ListItem content is not disabled and clicked and pressAndHold signals are also emitted. The only restriction the component implies is that leading and trailing actions cannot be swiped in. selectable property can be used to implement different behavior when clicked or pressAndHold.
Dragging mode
The dragging mode is only supported on ListView, as it requires a model supported view to be used. The drag mode can be activated through the ViewItems::dragMode attached property, when attached to the ListView. The items will show a panel as defined in the style, and dragging will be possible when initiated over this panel. Pressing or clicking anywhere else on the ListItem will invoke the item's action assigned to the touched area.
The dragging is realized through the ViewItems::dragUpdated signal, and a signal handler must be implemented in order to have the draging working. Implementations can drive the drag to be live (each time the dragged item is dragged over an other item will change the order of the items) or drag'n'drop way (the dragged item will be moved only when the user releases the item by dropping it to the desired position). The signal has a ListItemDrag event parameter, which gives detailed information about the drag event, like started, dragged up or downwards or dropped, allowing in this way various restrictions on the dragging.
The dragging event provides three states reported in ListItemDrag::status field, Started, Moving and Dropped. The other event field values depend on the status, therefore the status must be taken into account when implementing the signal handler. In case live dragging is needed, Moving state must be checked, and for non-live drag (drag'n'drop) the Moving state must be blocked by setting event.accept = false, otherwise the dragging will not know whether the model has been updated or not.
Example of live drag implementation:
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2 ListView { model: ListModel { Component.onCompleted: { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { append({tag: "List item #"+i}); } } } delegate: ListItem { Label { text: modelData } color: dragMode ? "lightblue" : "lightgray" onPressAndHold: ListView.view.ViewItems.dragMode = !ListView.view.ViewItems.dragMode } ViewItems.onDragUpdated: { if (event.status == ListItemDrag.Moving) { model.move(event.from, event.to, 1); } } moveDisplaced: Transition { UbuntuNumberAnimation { property: "y" } } }
Example of drag'n'drop implementation:
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2 ListView { model: ListModel { Component.onCompleted: { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { append({tag: "List item #"+i}); } } } delegate: ListItem { Label { text: modelData } color: dragMode ? "lightblue" : "lightgray" onPressAndHold: ListView.view.ViewItems.dragMode = !ListView.view.ViewItems.dragMode } ViewItems.onDragUpdated: { if (event.status == ListItemDrag.Moving) { // inform dragging that move is not performed event.accept = false; } else if (event.status == ListItemDrag.Dropped) { model.move(event.from, event.to, 1); } } moveDisplaced: Transition { UbuntuNumberAnimation { property: "y" } } }
ListItem does not provide animations when the ListView's model is updated. In order to have animation, use UbuntuListView or provide a transition animation to the moveDisplaced or displaced property of the ListView.
Using non-QAbstractItemModel models
Live dragging (moving content on the move) is only possible when the model is a derivate of the QAbstractItemModel. When a list model is used, the ListView will re-create all the items in the view, meaning that the dragged item will no longer be controlled by the dragging. However, non-live drag'n'drop operations can still be implemented with these kind of lists as well.
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2 ListView { model: ["plum", "peach", "pomegrenade", "pear", "banana"] delegate: ListItem { Label { text: modelData } color: dragMode ? "lightblue" : "lightgray" onPressAndHold: ListView.view.ViewItems.dragMode = !ListView.view.ViewItems.dragMode } ViewItems.onDragUpdated: { if (event.status == ListItemDrag.Started) { return; } else if (event.status == ListItemDrag.Dropped) { var fromData = model[event.from]; // must use a temporary variable as list manipulation // is not working directly on model var list = model; list.splice(event.from, 1); list.splice(event.to, 0, fromData); model = list; } else { event.accept = false; } } }
When using DelegateModel, it must be taken into account when implementing the ViewItems::dragUpdated signal handler.
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2 ListView { model: DelegateModel { model: ["apple", "pear", "plum", "peach", "nuts", "dates"] delegate: ListItem { Label { text: modelData } onPressAndHold: dragMode = !dragMode; } } ViewItems.onDragUpdated: { if (event.status == ListItemDrag.Moving) { event.accept = false } else if (event.status == ListItemDrag.Dropped) { var fromData = model.model[event.from]; var list = model.model; list.splice(event.from, 1); list.splice(event.to, 0, fromData); model.model = list; } } }
Since Ubuntu.Components 1.3, ListItem supports expansion. ListItems declared in a view can expand exclusively, having leading and trailing panes locked when expanded and to be collapsed when tapping outside of the expanded area. The expansion is driven by the expansion group property, and the behavior by the ViewItems::expansionFlags and ViewItems::expandedIndices attached properties. Each ListItem which is required to expand should set a proper height in the expansion.height property, which should be bigger than the collapsed height of the ListItem is. The expansion itself is driven by the expansion.expanded property, which can be set freely depending on the use case, on click, on long press, etc.
The default expansion behavior is set to be exclusive and locked, meaning there can be only one ListItem expanded within a view and neither leading nor trailing action panels cannot be swiped in. Expanding an other ListItem will collapse the previosuly expanded one. There can be cases when tapping outside of the expanded area of a ListItem we woudl need the expanded one to collapse automatically. This can be achieved by setting ViewItems.CollapseOnOutsidePress
flag to ViewItems::expansionFlags. This flag will also turn on ViewItems.Exclusive
flag, as tapping outside practicly forbids more than one item to be expanded at a time.
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 ListView { width: units.gu(40) height: units.gu(71) model: ListModel { Component.onCompleted: { for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { append({data: i}); } } } ViewItems.expansionFlags: ViewItems.CollapseOnOutsidePress delegate: ListItem { Label { text: "Model item #" + modelData } trailingActions: ListItemActions { actions: [ Action { icon: "search" }, Action { icon: "edit" }, Action { icon: "copy" } ] } expansion.height: units.gu(15) onClicked: expansion.expanded = true } }
The example above collapses the expanded item whenever it is tapped or mouse pressed outside of the expanded list item.
Note: Set 0 to ViewItems::expansionFlags if no restrictions on expanded items is required (i.e multiple expanded items are allowed, swiping leading/trailing actions when expanded).
Note: Do not bind expansion.height to the ListItem's height as is will cause binding loops.
Note on styling
ListItem's styling differs from the other components styling, as ListItem loads the style only when either of the leadin/trailing panels are swiped, or when the item enters in select- or drag mode. The component does not assume any visuals to be present in the style.
See also ListItemActions, ViewItems::dragMode, ViewItems::dragUpdated, and ListItemStyle.
Property Documentation
action : Action |
The property holds the action which will be triggered when the ListItem is clicked. ListItem will not visualize the action, that is the responsibility of the components placed inside the list item. However, when set, the ListItem will be highlighted on press.
If the action set has no value type set, ListItem will set its type to Action.Integer and the triggered signal will be getting the ListItem index as value parameter.
Defaults no null.
color : color |
Configures the color of the normal background. The default value is transparent.
contentItem : Item |
contentItem holds the components placed on a ListItem. It is anchored to the ListItem on left, top and right, and to the divider on the bottom, or to the ListItem's bottom in case the divider is not visible. The content is clipped by default. It is not recommended to change the anchors as the ListItem controls them, however any other property value is free to change. Example:
ListItem { contentItem.anchors { leftMargin: units.gu(2) rightMargin: units.gu(2) topMargin: units.gu(0.5) bottomMargin: units.gu(0.5) } }
[read-only] contentMoving : bool |
The property describes whether the content is moving or not. The content is moved when swiped or when snapping in or out, and lasts till the snapping animation completes.
divider group |
divider.colorFrom : real |
divider.colorTo : real |
This grouped property configures the thin divider shown in the bottom of the component. The divider is not moved together with the content when swiped left or right to reveal the actions. colorFrom and colorTo configure the starting and ending colors of the divider. Beside these properties all Item specific properties can be accessed.
When visible is true, the ListItem's content size gets thinner with the divider's thickness. By default the divider is anchored to the bottom, left right of the ListItem, and has a 2dp height.
dragMode : bool |
The property reports whether a ListItem is draggable or not. While in drag mode, the list item content cannot be swiped. The default value is false.
dragging : bool |
The property informs about an ongoing dragging on a ListItem.
expansion group |
expansion.expanded : bool |
expansion.height : real |
The group drefines the expansion state of the ListItem.
This property group was introduced in Ubuntu.Components 1.3.
highlightColor : color |
Configures the color when highlighted. Defaults to the theme palette's background color. If changed, it can be reset by assigning undefined as value.
highlighted : bool |
True when the item is pressed. The items stays highlighted when the mouse or touch is moved horizontally. When in Flickable (or ListView), the item gets un-highlighted (false) when the mouse or touch is moved towards the vertical direction causing the flickable to move.
Configures the color when highlighted. Defaults to the theme palette's background color.
An item is highlighted, thus highlight state toggled, when pressed and it has one of the following conditions fulfilled:
- leadingActions or trailingActions set,
- it has an action attached
- if the ListItem has an active child component, such as a Button, a Switch, etc.
- in general, if an active (enabled and visible) MouseArea is added as a child component
- clicked signal handler is implemented or there is a slot or function connected to it
- pressAndHold signal handler is implemented or there is a slot or function connected to it.
Note: Adding an active component does not mean the component will be activated when the ListItem will be tapped/clicked outside of the component area. If such a behavior is needed, that must be done explicitly.
ListItem { Label { text: "This is a label" } Switch { id: toggle anchors.right: parent.right } Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(toggle.clicked) }
See also action, leadingActions, and trailingActions.
leadingActions : ListItemActions |
The property holds the actions and its configuration to be revealed when swiped from left to right.
See also trailingActions.
selectMode : bool |
The property reports whether the component and the view using the component is in selectable state. While selectable, the ListItem's leading- and trailing panels cannot be swiped in. clicked and pressAndHold signals are also triggered. Selectable mode can be set either through this property or through the parent attached ViewItems::selectMode property.
selected : bool |
The property drives whether a list item is selected or not. Defaults to false.
See also ListItem::selectMode and ViewItems::selectMode.
swipeEnabled : bool |
The property enables the swiping of the leading- or trailing actions. This is useful when an overlay component needs to handle mouse moves or drag events without the ListItem to steal the events. Defaults to true.
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 ListView { width: units.gu(40) height: units.gu(70) model: 25 delegate: ListItem { swipeEnabled: !mouseArea.drag.active Rectangle { color: "red" width: units.gu(2) height: width MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent drag.target: parent } } } }
This QML property was introduced in Ubuntu.Components 1.3.
[read-only] swiped : bool |
The property notifies about the content being swiped so leading or trailing actions are visible.
This QML property was introduced in Ubuntu.Components 1.3.
trailingActions : ListItemActions |
The property holds the actions and its configuration to be revealed when swiped from right to left.
See also leadingActions.
Signal Documentation
clicked() |
The signal is emitted when the component gets released while the highlighted property is set. The signal is not emitted if the ListItem content is swiped or when used in Flickable (or ListView, GridView) and the Flickable gets moved.
If the ListItem contains a component which contains an active MouseArea, the clicked signal will be supressed when clicked over this area.
contentMovementEnded() |
The signal is emitted when the content movement has ended.
contentMovementStarted() |
The signal is emitted when the content movement has started.
pressAndHold() |
The signal is emitted when the list item is long pressed.
If the ListItem contains a component which contains an active MouseArea, the pressAndHold signal will be supressed when pressed over this area.