A stack of Page items that is used for inter-Page navigation. Pages on the stack can be popped, and new Pages can be pushed. The page on top of the stack is the visible one. More...
Import Statement: | import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 |
- currentPage : Item
- data : list<Object>
- depth : int
Detailed Description
PageStack should be used inside a MainView in order to automatically add a header and toolbar to control the stack. The PageStack will automatically set the header title to the title of the Page that is currently on top of the stack, and the tools of the toolbar to the tools of the Page on top of the stack. When more than one Pages are on the stack, the toolbar will automatically feature a back-button that pop the stack when triggered.
The anchors of the PageStack are set to fill its parent by default. To use left/right/top/bottom anchors, explicitly set anchors.fill of the PageStack to undefined:
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 MainView { width: units.gu(40) height: units.gu(71) PageStack { id: mainStack anchors { fill: undefined // unset the default to make the other anchors work left: parent.left right: parent.right top: parent.top bottom: rect.top } } Rectangle { id: rect color: UbuntuColors.red anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } height: units.gu(10) } Component.onCompleted: mainStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("MyPage.qml")) }
Pages that are defined inside the PageStack must initially set their visibility to false to avoid the pages occluding the PageStack before they are pushed. When pushing a Page, its visibility is automatically updated.
import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.3 import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 1.3 as ListItem MainView { width: units.gu(48) height: units.gu(60) PageStack { id: pageStack Component.onCompleted: push(page0) Page { id: page0 title: i18n.tr("Root page") visible: false Column { anchors.fill: parent ListItem.Standard { text: i18n.tr("Page one") onClicked: pageStack.push(page1, {color: UbuntuColors.orange}) progression: true } ListItem.Standard { text: i18n.tr("External page") onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("MyCustomPage.qml")) progression: true } } } Page { title: "Rectangle" id: page1 visible: false property alias color: rectangle.color Rectangle { id: rectangle anchors { fill: parent margins: units.gu(5) } } } } }
As shown in the example above, the push() function can take an Item, Component or URL as input.
Property Documentation
currentPage : Item |
The currently active page
[default] data : list<Object> |
Children of PageStack are placed in a separate item such that they are not active by default until they are pushed on the PageStack.
depth : int |
The current size of the stack
Method Documentation
clear() |
Deactivate the active page and clear the stack.
pop() |
Pop the top item from the stack if the stack size is at least 1. Do not do anything if 0 items are on the stack.
push( page, properties) |
Push a page to the stack, and apply the given (optional) properties to the page. The pushed page may be an Item, Component or URL. The function returns the Item that was pushed, or the Item that was created from the Component or URL. Depending on the animation of the header, the returned Page may or may not be active and on top of the PageStack yet.